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We’re Committed to the Highest Quality Training

Training Quality is our Priority 

We deliver training in accordance with our scope of registration and the requirements of the accredited course or endorsed national training package and consistent with purchasing guides, directions and/or policies.

Our Commitment to Quality Education 

We comply with the Australian Quality Training Framework and ensure that all persons employed demonstrate the highest ethical standards in their dealings and conduct, and will at all times provide proper, timely and efficient training services whilst using standard care, skill, diligence, prudence and foresight.

Our goal is to improve the knowledge, skills and quality of life of our participants, taking into account particular needs of target groups.

We acknowledge that this is dependent on non-discriminatory access to services and comparable educational outcomes by all groups in society. Including all relevant privacy, antidiscrimination and equal opportunity legislation, the Disability Act 2006, the Working With Children Act 2005 and with the requirements of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (VIC).

We have entered into an agreement with Skills Victoria to deliver government subsidised training to eligible individuals under the Skills First Program. Training delivery will be to individuals who have a physical presence in Victoria and all training delivery will be conducted within Victoria.

Democratic Principles 

All our programs promote and support the principles and practice of Australian Democracy including:

  • the elected Government
  • the rule of law
  • equal rights for all before the law
  • freedom of religion
  • freedom of speech and association
  • the values of openness and tolerance.

We have a commitment to diversity, choice, innovation and access to education and training of the highest quality.

Quality Indicator Data 

Learner engagement and employer satisfaction surveys

These indicators are based on a survey of 170 students and 3 employers for VTG funded training delivery in the 2016 calendar year. The students and employers surveyed for these indicators were selected by this organisation in accordance with national guidelines.

BRACE Quality Indicator Annual Summary Report

Contact details
General enquiries

03 9781 3388