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Why Study With Brace?

Course Funding

We will work with you on an individual basis to find any available funding to support you through your course. BRACE is very knowledgeable on how the government funding works.

BRACE is a Learn Local training provider. This means most courses are government subsidised and are offered at low or no cost to eligible Victorian adults. BRACE is also flexible with payment options if there is a fee, or you might be covered under Skills First funding. Contact us to get all the information you need about course fees and costs.

Pathway into Education and Employment

Flexible learning options

No computer or internet at home? BRACE uses a learning platform that works across many devices: on laptop, iPad, tablet, iPhone, or Android systems. You can also come onsite and use the resources in our learning centre at Frankston.

We understand the challenges of combining study with life, like work or family, and we do what we can to make the journey an easy one. That’s why we have a blended delivery model of face-to-face and via Zoom. This provides maximum engagement, so you get the most out of the course

We know the face-to-face learning is very beneficial, especially when it comes to the practical component of the courses, like for our disability, aged care, health and childcare courses. We have a Practical Room on site for courses that require practical training.

Training Coordinator Chloe says, “We’re about finding the right fit for the student. Our classes are usually 9am–3pm, however, we are flexible, so for people with school-aged kids for example we try and do 9:30am – 2:30pm so that you can make school drop off and pick up. The Zoom element is great for fitting into people’s lives and then there’s independent learning time outside those hours. Some courses run outside business hours due to people already working in their chosen industry; they’re using BRACE to upskill.”

BRACE partners with you on your education and employment journey

BRACE offers truly individualised service where no-one is just a number, and they get real help to choose and stay on the right path to achieve their education and employment goals.

Chloe says, “Our clients are so grateful for the guidance and support we provide. The reason they come to BRACE is to get a tailored training plan which supports their learning needs and goals. The team regularly checks in to see if you’re doing OK. We have individualised support plans if you’re finding it difficult to study. One-on-one sessions with trainers can be organised, to help through difficult periods. Communication is key.”

We understand our students. We communicate in a way that suits the students, whether that be by phone, text, or email. We are all about student’s well-being, so we make sure we’re approachable. We seek to understand what the barriers are to education, and we seek to get around them. Start your journey to the next step with BRACE.

Get in touch to find out more today.


Contact details
General enquiries

03 9781 3388