Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)
1300 701 801
We're committed to creating a culture of feedback. We encourage you to share your experiences with our team..
We understand that feedback is a valuable tool that can be used to monitor our performance and further improve our end-to-end service.
Under our Complaints, Compliments and Feedback policy, you will be given the opportunity to register a complaint or provide feedback via a process that is fair and transparent.
Our Appeals Policy provides students enrolled with BRACE with the opportunity to request the review of decisions, such as assessment outcomes.
Complaints and requests for appeals can be lodged verbally, in writing or by using the Compliments and Complaints form (available from reception, staff or managers).
We wish all parties to have a clear understanding of the steps involved in the complaints/appeals procedure. On request, you will be provided with details of external authorities you may approach, if required. All complaints and appeals will be managed fairly and equitably and as efficiently as possible. We will strive to resolve complaints within 7 working days of receiving the complaint.
You are encouraged to raise any matters of concern relating to quality of service, training delivery or assessment, quality of teaching, student amenities, discrimination, sexual harassment and any other issues that may arise.
We will encourage all parties to approach a complaint with an open mind and to attempt to resolve problems through discussion and conciliation.
For more information, refer to our compliments, complaints and appeals procedure (PDF).
Phone: 03 9781 3388
Complete and return our compliments, complaints and appeals form (PDF).
Where a complaint cannot be resolved through discussion and conciliation, we acknowledge the right of individuals to seek assistance through the following channels.
1300 701 801
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BRACE Education and Training is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles.
Complaints made regarding privacy acts or practices may be investigated by the Information Commissioner who has power to award compensation against BRACE in appropriate circumstances, as well as a further range of enforcement powers and other remedies available.